Thursday, October 30, 2008

I LOVE the Fall Season!!

Fall is by far my FAVORITE season. I love everything about it; the colors the smells the sounds. Everything is just so bright and crisp after the hazy days of Summer. There is nothing better than taking a walk on a cool autumn day. The air is fresher the sky is bluer, even the greens seem to pop against the bright oranges, yellows and reds. I love the sound the leaves make when they crunch under my feet or rustle in the breeze. Call me crazy but I even love the smell of the dried leaves and browning grass. I love watching the birds fly south in flocks and enjoy watch them search through the leaves looking for worms. It's also fun to watch the squirrels and bunnies scrounging around preparing for winter. Everything is just so alive and clear and time seems to slow down for a while. To me it is the most magical season of all.

A Fly?

Is this just an ordinary fly? I don't recall EVER seing that sort of stinger on an ordinary fly and it didn't seem as big as the horse flies I remember as a child. Then again I was smaller myself then so who knows.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Butterflies 2

These were taken a few hours after my last post of pics. There was a new butterfly that had joined the first ones. She was beautiful with her blue black designs!! Plus the breeze had died down a little so I didn't have to chase the thistles and these pics came out clearer!

I did a little research on these butterflies and I believe they are Tiger Swallowtails and you can get some interesting facts about them here. I was excited to discover that the dark one is actually a female and the colorful ones are the males. It was also cool to note that the female's color mimicks that of the poisonous Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly.


These are a little blurrier than I was hoping for but it was really breezy today and those thistles were way taller than me so they were moving around like crazy. It was difficult to keep up with them along with trying to catch the butterflies before they flitted to another thistle. :cD

These last two butterflies are not Tigerswallows they look more like Great Spangled Fritillary butterflies to me but you can check for yourself by going here.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My New Camera!!

Robb just got me a new GE 8.0 megapixel A830 digital camera as an early birthday present and these are some of the images I have captured with it so far. I am still learning what all it can do so hopefully these will get better as I learn.

(Click the images for a larger view)