Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Butterflies 2

These were taken a few hours after my last post of pics. There was a new butterfly that had joined the first ones. She was beautiful with her blue black designs!! Plus the breeze had died down a little so I didn't have to chase the thistles and these pics came out clearer!

I did a little research on these butterflies and I believe they are Tiger Swallowtails and you can get some interesting facts about them here. I was excited to discover that the dark one is actually a female and the colorful ones are the males. It was also cool to note that the female's color mimicks that of the poisonous Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly.


These are a little blurrier than I was hoping for but it was really breezy today and those thistles were way taller than me so they were moving around like crazy. It was difficult to keep up with them along with trying to catch the butterflies before they flitted to another thistle. :cD

These last two butterflies are not Tigerswallows they look more like Great Spangled Fritillary butterflies to me but you can check for yourself by going here.